Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Vee Day

Another year, another Suck Day. If it weren't for the abundance of candy, I probably wouldn't make it through the day. (In fact, randomness. About three guys ran into my sociology class today dressed as masked ninjas, threw candy all throughout the room, and then ran back out. Fun idea, I thought, until I got fwapped in the head hard with a Bit-o-Honey.)

Honestly I don't hate V-Day because of the whole wah, I'm single and I'm going to die alone thing. I prefer la vie single so it's nothing new. And I don't hate the whole meaning behind the holiday because I'm cool with showing people you love them in whatever ways you like. What I hate is that every year I have to deal with the heterosexual assumptions and images associated with V-Day. I hate that I can't have a serious, sociologically-based discussion in class about the inequalities in U.S. notions of love without it being all about how men and women can't ever figure the fuck out who's going to pay for dinner. (Seriously, straight people. Figure it out and SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY.) And I hate that people view V-Day as being a chance for everyone to express their love when a lot of people can't express their love without fear of stigma, losing their job, their kids, et cetera. And it's not just about gay people. Interracial, inter-class, inter-religious, and inter-age dating are all treated as lesser forms of love. I guess it makes sense that we need a stupid holiday to celebrate love considering all of the restrictions we have on it the rest of the year.


Anonymous said...

hey mike. we had a kiss-out here at penn state, a bunch of people(not necessarily straight) stood out in front of old main and kissed to celebrate "the most heteronormative day of the year". but you're right, its not just gay people who have the problem.

Mike Wright said...

Yeah, we have a big gay kissing rally every Spring. I always hate it though...it's really more awkward than anything.