Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Amazing(ly Uninspiring and Un-Diverse) Teams

Here we fucking go again with the new teams. Seriously, one season a year is pleeyenty, CBS. At least after the awful family season The Amazing Race has no where to go but up.

So the teams:

Lake & Michelle, which I'm sorry, Lake? Not a name people. And he really looks like the lost Baldwin. He's a "typical Type A personality" which is a nice way of saying "asshole". Michelle is "loyal, kind and loving". Feh.

Danielle & Dani, ACK! Wow, scary. "Beauties" is certainly a relative term, I suppose. They "aren't afraid to use" their good looks to win, which gets a resounding "fuck off" from me.

BJ & Tyler, whoa, wacky! We're crazy! We bounce on trampolines at Burning Man! We walk the entire length of Japan! Are you convinced by our sheer zaniness yet? Do you see the long hair? And the shirts? Crazy, we are!

Ray & Yolanda are the only people of color (At least going by the pics. I could be wrong) on the whole race. Again we have one team of color. Out of eleven. Of course their profile is blandy bland because, after all, we know why they're here. You know TAR, there are people of Asian, Hispanic, Native American and Middle Eastern descent in the U.S. too. Does anyone else think this is unacceptable? At least Ray is pretty.

John & Scott are scaring me in their picture. Specifically it's John who is making this frightening, soul eating face. Or just a really gay face; I can't tell. John also has a "fear of flying", though I'm guessing not in the Isadora White, zipless fuck sort of way. I'm sure this will be bludgeoned into our heads over and over again by the editors so I'm not really looking forward to this team. Scott will say two things on the entire race.

David & Lori look like they're halfway normal. Yay! Lori looks adorable and she has the Pizza Hut hook-up. Go team, go!

Eric & Jeremy are our resident fratty-fratty-boom-ballaties. They are "admittedly cocky" and "very competitive". Who even cares any more?

Fran & Barry will not be winning The Amazing Race.

Lisa & Joni seem okay until you get to the last sentence which says that they would use the prize money for plastic surgery. At least they're honest, I guess. I always like to see how the sibling teams interact and Lisa's art gallery thing is cool. It seems like they could go either way on the likeable-obnoxious spectrum, so we'll see.

Joseph & Monica are our unexciting "dating" couple. I'm hoping they turn out more Kris & Jon than...well any other "dating" couple that has been on the show.

Wanda & Desiree seem suspiciously normal and well-adjusted. I'm sure they'll prove us wrong. Or get eliminated in the first ep. Whichever.

The forty-seven hour long premiere will be on Tuesday, February 28.

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