Friday, February 03, 2006

The BooYay: February 3, 2006

Boo on James Frey for both refusing to go away and for still not really 'fessing up to the fact that he totally lied. Geez, it's not like we're not going to hate you any more than we already do.

for all of the designers on Project Runway for really turning it out this past episode using only plants and plant supplies. Even the "bad" designs weren't that bad. And best of all, Andrae didn't go crizazy following his elimination.

Boo on myself for not caring at all about the Super Bowl even though it's happening forty minutes away.

Yay for Snakes on a Plane because I cannot wait for that shit.

Boo on that punk Punxsutawney Phil for plaguing us with six more weeks of winter. I don't care how fucking cute you are.

Finally, yay for those nasty chalky Valentine's Conversation Hearts that I love. (Except for the purple, yellow and pink ones. Boo on all y'all nasty ass.)

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