Friday, February 24, 2006

Period. [Click]

Thanks to Jeff, here's the clip of Guadalupe in all her awesomeness. Here's a rough transcript below, too.

"Honestly, I can only give him a personal critique, nobody would ever know, unless they personally respond to me, would know, what my personal response is, and that is of me, and personally I believe you can't like push the boundaries, and like Johnny Cash, "Walk the Line" and...

Understand that Marla has an aesthetic, that I cannot duplicate, but Marla has an aesthetic that she cannot duplicate, and Arion, on national television, if you can get this, you fuckin rock because you believe in what is true. Period. [click] "

When I die, can someone please read this for my eulogy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that... was great