Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Awesomely Bad Movies of Late

Why does everyone laugh in my face when I mention that, yes, I wouldn't mind seeing Final Destination 3? I know the now-trilogy isn't receiving Oscars for extraordinary filmmaking and I am very aware that the acting is probably a notch above Sunday school pageant. But almost everyone has seen at least one of the first two movies and admits to being entertained by the gruesome deaths. And from the reviews it looks like FD3 offers much more in the way of creatively offing the innocent.

My point is that horror as a genre is going in a creepy, masochistic direction. And you know, I don't want all of my horror movies to be Saw II or Hostel. Watching someone torture another person by blowtorching their eyes or delivering a face full of syringes is not my idea of a good time. That shit just gives me nightmares without any of the fun of "normal" horror films. At least with FD3 it's just a good old suspenseful, pretty young people running around sort of horror without all of the grisliness. It's like, happy horror! (Like remember when Stifler gets beheaded by the train in the first FD? Priceless!)

I bring this up because of the ongoing debate between me and Phil. I think FD3 should be our next moviegoing expenditure. His choice: Date Movie. I mean, come on. You know you're going to be entertained by FD3 regardless of how "bad" it is. Why take the chance on Date Movie which probably has no redeeming qualities whatsoever?


Anonymous said...

Another thing to consider about this battle of the cinematic titans is that the Daily, the greatest source of film reviews the world has ever seen, gave "Date Movie" zero (0) out of five stars.

...just sayin'.


Mike Wright said...

Haha. I didn't even know it got a zero. Suck on that, Phil.

Anonymous said...

I'll admit that I've been wanting to see FD3, if only because I'm nostalgic for the good ol' times when we watched all those teenage horror movies. You know like Scream, Urban Legends, The Faculty, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and so on and so forth. They were fun, although not remotely scary.
