Monday, March 27, 2006

Fop Secret

I just don't know what to think of PostSecret. I mean, it's definitely entertaining. I would be lying if I told you I didn't check the updates every Monday morning at work. But it's just so...emo, for lack of a better word. No, come to think of it that's just the right word. The plug in the All-American Rejects video kind of helped that along, too. I mean I know they do good work for suicide prevention. The whole thing just kind of makes me roll my eyes sometimes, especially with all the media coverage of the site now.

So does it make me a superficial person to say I just like the funny ones? Or the funky artsy ones? Or the honest to God horribly immoral ones? (The card on stealing money from the non-profit org comes to mind.)

And don't get me wrong. I've entertained the thought of making my own card and sending it in. But...bleh. I can't imagine getting a rush of emotion from doing it. There would be no value at least on a cathartic level, but I do suppose it's helpful for some people. And I just can't shake this feeling of, hey, maybe we as a society should just start being more open with each other rather than anonymously glueing stuff to postcards. You know?

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