Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Is it March Yet?

Is anybody really surprised with this year's Oscar nominations? No? Okay then.

Seriously though. The only pseudo-standout for me was Crash getting a nod for Best Picture. I think it's a good movie (I know! I'm sorry!) but even I thought it was a little too preachily in-your-face for the Academy. I'm mildly surprised Match Point and King Kong didn't get any more recognition given their excessive positive reviews. Oh well.

It is a first though--me actually having seen two of the five Best Pic nominees. And once again, I am once again plagued by the question, "Did anyone actually see _____??" with the ______ being filled by any of the following: Capote, Mrs. Henderson Presents, and what the hell I'll even throw Cinderella Man in there. I only ask because I have had absolutely no desire to see these movies. Or Munich. Or Syriana. Or Good Night, and Good Luck.

I'm sure I'll end up watching the telecast, though, but sweet Jesus I hope it's more compelling than last year. Jon Stewart, you are our only hope.


Anonymous said...

I saw Good Night, and Good Luck because I lurve history and hate Joe McCarthy, so it seemed like a perfect fit.

I also saw Cinderella Man over Winter Break because my brother got it for Christmas. It's a solid movie, but I'm also a sucker for sappy sports movies, as cliche as they may be.

And Munich is a fantastic movie (except for the penultimate scene). Again, saw that for the historical aspect. And Eric Bana, who I think is ten kinds of awesome.

Agreed that Crash was a pretty solid, well-crafted movie, but not necessarily worthy of a Best Picture nod. Perhaps this is just the Academy's "Social Issue" year.

Commenting on your blog too much,

Mike Wright said...

Yeah, I know those historical movies are great but I just can't bring myself to watch them.