Friday, January 20, 2006

The BooYay: January 20, 2006

Because having regular features will hopefully be an incentive for me to update, here is The BooYay in which I will briefly extol or pooh-pooh, well, basically random shit. Is that transparent enough for you?

Boo on Santino for receiving the Wendy Pepper award for staying around past his welcome on Project Runway. His fug fugly plumage-y, nonfunctional ice skating dress thing kept him in the competition while my quiet boyfriend Emmett McCarthy got the aut.

Yay for the Golden Globes for being gay gay gay.

Boo on The Real World for coming just a little too close to my homeland. They haven’t been in a cold location since Boston and without characters like Montana or Genesis, I’m afraid it just won't compare.

Yay for “Boo-urns”, Television Without Pity’s latest Now or Never shirt and tribute to the awesomest Simpsons reference this side of “perfectly cromulent”.

Boo on the, at least, three or so fashion mags for telling me that black is so in this season. Um yeah, it’s black.

Yay for chai bombs, the heavenly mixture of chai and espresso that keeps me caffeinated to the point of tweakiness.


Anonymous said...

Santino should have been kicked off in the lingerie episode. The German things he made were ugly as hell and he was a major bastard about everything. I didn`t even like Daniel, but I thought his product was far superior. Whatever, nothing in life matters with Diana gone...

Mike Wright said...

Word. And you know, from talking to people it seems like we're the only ones who were rooting for Diana. I just don't understand. Girl rules.

Anonymous said...

I actually caught some of Project Runway (it was the episode for my ice skating adventures or something). Santino really was an ass and there was no feeling sorry for him. Even when his own model told him his design sucked ass, hehe.


Mike Wright said...

Yes! You should start watching regularly.