Monday, April 17, 2006

Coca-Cola Yukk

One of the adorable tykes on Wonder Showzen responded to the question "What is heaven?" with "A new product!", and I have to say I usually agree.

But not this time. I'm looking at you Coca-Cola Blak.

I shilled out the $1.79 for you for no other reason other than that you are new and, for at least the time being, somewhat culturally relevant. Plus I like caffeine and so-called energy drinks and will eventually just make my life easier and start wheeling around a Diet Red Bull IV with me. You started out spicy and interesting, like a better tasting Vanilla Coke infused with coffee, but then that aftertaste hits you and bleeearghhkkk. I was liking you and then all of a sudden I realized that finishing the teeny eight-ounce bottle would be a formidable challenge. And really, who cares when I could spend less money on a shot of espresso that doesn't taste like it was mixed with three-day-old Coke?

Moral of the story? Unlike the farmer and the cowman, the Coke and the coffee should not be friends.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I forgot how gay you were until you pulled out that "Oklahoma" reference.

- Phillip

Mike Wright said...

Hey you got the reference, Gaymo.