Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Confusing Coversation with Mom: Part #42383

Mike: Hey, you know I was offered an internship in D.C. for the summer.

Mom: Really?

Mike: Yeah but I had to turn it down since they gave me too short of notice. It sucks.

Mom: Who was it with?

Mike: The Human Rights Campaign. You know the stickers? The blue and yellow equal--

Mom: The Human League?

Mike: Uh, no. The Human Rights Camp--

Mom: Oh, the Human League?

Mike: No, Mom. That's a band. From the eighties.

Mom: You know, the Human Fund?

Mike: Human Fund?

Mom: From that episode of Seinfeld?

Mike: OH YEAH. When George makes a fake charity instead of giving real Christmas presents?

Mom: Yeah!

Mike: Haha. I love that one.

Mom: Yeah that's great.

Mike: But no. That's not where the internship was.

Mom: Oh.

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