Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Freshmaker: Couples, Cocktails, and Cultural Outlooks

This is the Freshmaker, where I generously impart to you all that is arbitrarily trendy in our crazy, mixed-up world today.

(This is also intended to be a blatant rip-off of another equally compelling feature by Jessica Shaw in Entertainment Weekly. What does hers lack, you ask? Irony.)

Fresh last week: Brangelina
Stale: TomKat

Fresh: Hpnotini
Fresh last week: Melontini
Stale: Appletini

Fresh: Postmodernism
Fresh last week: Materialism
Stale: Marxism


Anonymous said...

I'm actually more a fan of "Vaughniston" myself. The word, though, not the couple. Uck, Jennifer could do better.


Mike Wright said...

Really? I have this weird attraction to V.V. Maybe it's the fivehead, I don't know.