Monday, January 16, 2006

But Once A Year

Every year in this weird way I always associate the oncoming of American Idol with that of Christmas. The two are actually strikingly similar. Like they both always come at their same respective times each year. And each year they both get heavily promoted weeks before they even occur, which makes you just kind of hate the whole thing and you don't understand why anyone would ever celebrate such commercialized crap. But then once it starts you kind of accept it and get lulled into a state of complacence as you realize the possibilities for entertainment, what with your drunk aunt/Simon not being able to hide her/his disgust for your drunk mother/coked-out Paula. And then you kind of snap out of it, wonder how you survived relatively unscathed, and thank Jesus that it only comes once a year.

Except, you know, American Idol actually lasts five excruciating months whereas Christmas only feels that way.


Anonymous said...

Does that make Randy the flippant cousin who frequently calls people "dawg" and says that "you can blow" (which I think is a subtle reference to Paula's increasingly out-of-control coke problem)

Mike Wright said...

Yeah. He's like that totally inessential relative you regret starting a conversation with.

I forgot that you actually watch the show. Maybe I should start?

Anonymous said...

you should definitely start. joe got me hooked on it last year, and I have desperately been trying to recruit sasha.