Wednesday, August 02, 2006

PR, You Are An Obsession. You're My Obsession.

I'm sitting here thinking of something to post and, as it has become normal for Wednesday afternoons, all that is running through my head is "PR PR PR PR PR PR PR".

What is it about this show that is so all-consuming. Why cannot I focus on Mel or Lance or Suri for three seconds on a Wednesday without my thoughts switching over to Tim, Nina and even farty old Michael Kors? Even right now I'm supposed to be preparing for a job interview and my train of thought keeps slipping from "Hmm, how can I compensate for my lack of experience in this field?" to "I wonder who breaks the rules. Maybe someone cheats somehow. Or maybe there's a sabotage move. Or maybe a fight breaks out. That'd be sweet. I hope they show more of Michael tonight because his stuff sure is pretty..." and so on and so on and you get it.

The point is, Bravo has managed to craft television crack. And the crackness can only be applied to this show. It's not like I sit around spending my precious hours wondering if Joanie can overcome her snaggletooth or if the hippies will ever stop mugging. It certainly doesn't help that I have watched every episode of PR3 around an average of 2.4 times.

In my mind, Project Runway is the closest we've come to perfection in a reality show since the first seasons of The Amazing Race and Survivor. My hopes at this point are that Bravo (a) doesn't overexpose us à la The Apprentice what with the new season starting every fortnight or so and (b) doesn't tamper too much with the formula à la The Amazing Race. And please, PLEASE, never do an "all-stars" season. The thought of Santino and La Pepper in the same room is terrifying.

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