Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things To Get Psyched About: Fall '06

Reality shows
Project Runway is reaching its conclusion, and the nation could not be more anxious to find out who will take the crown and who will go down in flames. (Kayne.) We've also got two reality premieres that feature more ethnically diverse casts than in past seasons. Survivor has its well-publicized race brawl stirring up a commotion while The Amazing Race responds to its criticism of being mostly white by simply casting more people of color...without a gimmick! There is another answer after all. AND, we have Top Model coming soon. Or not, depending on the longevity of the writers' strike. Such drama!

Running With Scissors
The film adaptation of Augusten Burroughes's memoir looks promising in spite of Gwyneth. And who doesn't love a crizazy Annette Bening?


Alcohol + Costumery = Best. Holiday. Evar. This fop is still looking for good costume ideas, too.

Cancelled shows
It's always fun to watch the how the networks unwisely invested their money and guessing which shows will get booted first. Come on, Ugly Betty, big bucks, no whammies, STOP!


AKA my little, colorful security blankets.

Oscar Nomination Predictions
Notice that doesn't say Oscar winner predictions. These are just predictions for who will get nominated. Although clearly filler in most entertainment mags, they're fun and totally inane since, après tout, even if your picks get nominated, they still have a healthy chance of losing.

Not snow
Sure, there's cold rain sometimes. But, say it with me class, at least it's not snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm most excited to see how the Travelocity Roaming Gnomes will make their yearly TAR appearance. Hanging from a tree? Buried underground? Being shot out of a cannon? I'm on the edge of my seat.