Monday, September 25, 2006

Remembrance: Addendum

Okay, so I was just sitting in yet another coffee shop and Beck's "Devil's Haircut" came on and oh my God, JUNIOR HIGH.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Remembrance of Fop Music Past

It's my last year of college and I'm finding that, at a time when I desperately need to be looking at my future, my surroundings are making me nostalgic for the past. More than ever I'm realizing how much my music reminds me of places and people of my past. It's like, I was sitting in a coffee shop and the barista was playing Rusted Root on the stereo. (Which, I swear, only in Ann Arbor.) Rusted Root is so undeniably autumn-of-my-junior-year-of-high-school that I am unable to separate the two. Neither realities exist without each other. If Rusted Root did not exist, my memories of that high school semester would be completely altered. So you can see why I get so nostalgic about these things. And this is why I'm unable to get work done in coffee shops.

My college years are well typified by certain artists. Royksopp and Dandy Warhols are freshman year. Depeche Mode and Zero 7 are sophomore year. Metric and Utah Saints are junior year, with Hooverphonic getting tagged in during the sad times. The summers in between each year are embodied by Franz Ferdinand ('04), Fischerspooner ('05) and Sia ('06). Going even further, Annie is my 20th birthday. Esthero is my 18th birthday. Beck is working at the Italian cafe. Salt-N-Pepa is driving around York. The Cranberries is driving around Kalamazoo with my sister; Etta James with my mom. Rufus Wainwright's Poses is high school musical practice. Nelly Furtado is my old bedroom. Faithless is visiting Michigan with Sasha. Morcheeba is moving across campus for the first time. Nightmares on Wax is snowy Ann Arbor. Arcade Fire is cloudy New York. Cirrus is mountainous Pennsylvania. And so on and on.

I suppose the point is, the future is making me way tense and I don't want to think about it. Maybe I can reconcile my old music and memories with my anxieties for what's to come. Until I figure everything out, I'll just think about that time I drank too much wine in my old room while listening to The Faint.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Stop Being Polite and Start Getting...Shameless?

Oh my. Here I am, a mere twenty-one years old and faced with the most daunting existential question of my mortal life:

Should I or should I not audition for The Real World?

Ever since hearing about the open casting call that will happen a few blocks away, I've been racking my brain to the point of sleeplessness and self-starvation. On one hand, there is the potential for reality-based television stardom and all of the perks of actually getting on the show. Free rent for a few months. A cushy job. A series of promotional gigs and lectures after the taping. All of that good stuff. And if for some strange and unlikely reason I'm not chosen for the show, at least I could get a funny story out of the audition and the chance to wear the "Yeah, I auditioned for The Real World" badge for the rest of my young adulthood and beyond.

Yet, there is always the other hand to consider. I suppose the chances of me getting on the show are a weensy bit slim. Moreover, the audition might not even be interesting enough for any sort of story, funny or not, and it certainly doesn't help that I don't have anything remotely interesting about myself to say. But most importantly: the shame. The shame of actually showing up to a Real World audition and whoring myself out with my peers. Of having to share a campus with a group of other shameless losers not even losery enough to get on the worst show on television, and consequently spending the next year avoiding eye contact with each other so that no one else may know our shame. Yes, we were rejected by the goddamn Real World. Does that make us unworthy people, I ask you? Does it?

So is it worth it? I'm looking for some answers before next Thursday. And maybe a buddy to go with. Who'll get a stiff drink with me afterwards. So that we may laugh and forget, forget the shame.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fargo Fop City

I'm debating whether or not to see Chuck Klosterman next week when he, rather inexplicably, comes to the Borders in Ann Arbor. He comes off kind of dicky in interviews. And I didn't even know he released a new book. And I've only had enough interest in him to read Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs. Although I did like it a lot and now constantly ponder my position on the collarbone-breaking versus omnipresent-Alice-in-Chains-music dilemma as a result of my enjoyment of the book. So it could be fun. If anyone wants to go, let me know.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Project Runway Postulate #137B

Because if anything is lacking from this incisive dog-and-pony show of a blog, it's PR commentary.

Today's theory: Gay men love Laura Bennett but are far exasperated with Kayne Gillaspie. Somewhat contrarily, women (of varying attractional identities) are enamored with Kayne but hate Laura.* Discuss.

I have found very few exceptions to my theory. These two designers are arguably the two in most danger of being eliminated before the finals, with many sources already predicting a Michael/Jeffrey/Uli top three. The two stand on opposite sides of the design spectrum and, as if that weren't enough, aren't really known for getting along with each other. So whose opinion is more valid? The female viewership who would ostensibly be wearing the designed garments and who just love a florid-minded, redheaded gay boyee? Or the gay men that appreciate a prim, attractive olderish woman who never strays from all that is well-tailored and tasteful?

You can probably guess how I feel about the issue. Nonetheless, with Vincent's departure marking the end of this season's hangers-on, this week's elim is going to be affecting no matter who it is, as these five have proven themselves pretty damn well over the weeks. It should be exciting. Now I just wish I hadn't put Allison Kelly in my final three prediction after the casting special.

*Currently, no assumptions could be made for straight men as the sample size is far from significant.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Things To Get Psyched About: Fall '06

Reality shows
Project Runway is reaching its conclusion, and the nation could not be more anxious to find out who will take the crown and who will go down in flames. (Kayne.) We've also got two reality premieres that feature more ethnically diverse casts than in past seasons. Survivor has its well-publicized race brawl stirring up a commotion while The Amazing Race responds to its criticism of being mostly white by simply casting more people of color...without a gimmick! There is another answer after all. AND, we have Top Model coming soon. Or not, depending on the longevity of the writers' strike. Such drama!

Running With Scissors
The film adaptation of Augusten Burroughes's memoir looks promising in spite of Gwyneth. And who doesn't love a crizazy Annette Bening?


Alcohol + Costumery = Best. Holiday. Evar. This fop is still looking for good costume ideas, too.

Cancelled shows
It's always fun to watch the how the networks unwisely invested their money and guessing which shows will get booted first. Come on, Ugly Betty, big bucks, no whammies, STOP!


AKA my little, colorful security blankets.

Oscar Nomination Predictions
Notice that doesn't say Oscar winner predictions. These are just predictions for who will get nominated. Although clearly filler in most entertainment mags, they're fun and totally inane since, après tout, even if your picks get nominated, they still have a healthy chance of losing.

Not snow
Sure, there's cold rain sometimes. But, say it with me class, at least it's not snow.