Monday, July 17, 2006

World Series of Fop Culture

This past Saturday while enduring the worst. Hangover. Ever. I happened across VH1's World Series of Pop Culture. I've been sort of meaning to watch it since its inception, but truthfully the format looked boring and almost reminiscent of an adult spelling bee. So, unsurprisingly, I was hooked after five minutes, rooting for certain teams and guessing along with the contestants.

The competition is a tournament format comprised of teams of three. Two teams enter each round, one gets to move on to the next round. The objective is to eliminate the other team's members by doing better than them in a one-on-one round of six open-ended questions. The team that does best out of five rounds and eliminates all of the opposition wins. The greatness of the show is really in its simplicity.

So how did I fare? Eh. Not as well as I'd hope. I was maybe getting 70% right at best, around 50% right at worst. Some of the categories I was easily able to run with (After Reality: Questions Pertaining to Reality Celebs After-show Career Moves), some I knew one or none of the six answers (Sports Movies), and some I thought I would rock but ended up suuucking (Game Shows?!? That should have been my best category. I honestly would have sworn on the lives of my nonexistent children that the final round of American Gladiators was always called The Gauntlet. Even the contestant said that. Not so. It's called the freaking Eliminator. [And of course James knew that.] I'm not bitter.)

Aside from the trivia, it's just fun to see the teams engage in popcult fisticuffs. You get the feeling that the cooler teams go out after the show and talk about their favorite episodes of The Facts of Life over a few pitchers. The coolest team by far is Almost Perfect Strangers. They're so cute! And they seem to know their stuff. Hopefully they'll go far.

If there are auditions going on at any point in the near future, I'm so there.


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Anonymous said...

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